"I honor Thee, Autumn Queen, and Thy consort,
the God of the Harvest. The Wheel has once more turned,
and the change of season begins. What will be is. What was will be.
The Equinox is upon us, and the time to reflect, at hand.
All time comes together, here and now in this sacred space.
And I, but a moment in time, feel the change as I pass From one season to the next.
The Second Harvest has been reaped, and the time of rest is deserved.

" Go now My Mother and slumber.
Go now My Father and dream of re-birth.
I shall be here to greet Thee on Your return."
As the Wheel turns, the seasons pass, and the years give 'way To the next,
Guide me most Wise Ones, Lest I forget Every beginning has an ending
And every ending is a new beginning."
"As the days grow colder, and the nights last longer,
May I remember the summer past. With sunlight fading, and hearth inviting,
My memories will warm my soul.
From a season of hard work and hard play, I hear Mother's voice calling me forward.
While I rest, shall She lull me, with songs of a dream, As close to Her bosom I cling."
"With memories of the summer, least I never forget,
And aspirings for the colder months to come, Least I never stop striving,
I honor Thee with this symbol of Nature, Keeping it and Thee in my home and heart,
That I may see it and pause, To reflect on the Ancient Mysteries,
Leading me to a better understanding of myself, And of others, and all that is Life."
"Between the worlds I stand in this sacred place.
All time is here and now. As I leave this circle, the season shall have changed,
And I will have changed with it.
May I use the short time of Winter Finding To draw the strength and power from within
As I quest for vision, understanding, and peace."
"In Life is Death, and in Death is Life.
The Sacred Dance goes on and on From whence we came, we shall return,
And come again. Seasons pass, and pass again,
The circle stays unbroken Heed the words of your child, here,
Through Your wisdom I have spoken."
A balance of night and day, a balance of light and dark
Tonight I seek balance in my life as it is found in the Universe.
A black candle for darkness and pain and things I can eliminate from my life.
A white candle for the light, and for joy and all the abundance I wish to bring forth.
At Mabon, the time of the equinox, there is harmony and balance in the Universe, and so there shall be in my life.